
英 [dʒet]美[dʒɛt]
  • n. 喷射,喷嘴;喷气式飞机;黑玉
  • adj. 墨黑的
  • vt. 射出
  • vi. 射出;[航] 乘喷气式飞机



复数: jets;第三人称单数: jets;过去式: jetted;现在分词: jetting;


jet 喷气式飞机,喷嘴


jet 煤玉,黑玉,黑色大理石

来自古法语jaiet,褐煤,来自拉丁语gagates,来自希腊语gagates lithos,来自Gages的石头。Gages为古希腊时期地中海古国Lycia的一座古城,lithos,石头,词源同lithology,lithium.本质上是一种褐煤,质地坚硬,可用于雕刻,也被当作宝石使用。


jet: English has two distinct words jet. The older, which denotes a type of black stone used in jewellery [14], comes via Old French jaiet and Latin gagātēs from Greek gagátēs, which denoted ‘stone from Gagai’, a town in Lycia, in Asia Minor, where it was found. The jet of ‘jet engines’ [16] goes back ultimately to a word that meant ‘throw’ – Latin jacere (from which English also gets inject, project, reject, etc).

A derivative of this was jactāre, which also meant ‘throw’. It passed via Vulgar Latin *jectāre into Old French as jeter, and when English took it over it was originally used for ‘protrude, stick out’: ‘the houses jetting over aloft like the poops of ships, to shadow the streets’, George Sandys, Travels 1615. This sense is perhaps best preserved in jetty ‘projecting pier’, and in the variant form jut [16], while the underlying meaning ‘throw’ is still present in jettison ‘throw things overboard’ and its contracted form jetsam.

But back with the verb jet, in the 17th century it began to be used for ‘spurt out in a forceful stream’. The notion of using such a stream to create forward motion was first encapsulated in the term jet propulsion in the mid 19th century, but it did not take concrete form for nearly a hundred years (the term jet engine is not recorded until 1943).

=> inject, jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, project, reject, subject
jet (n.1)
"stream of water," 1690s, from French jet, from jeter (see jet (v.)). Sense of "spout or nozzle for emitting water, gas, fuel, etc." is from 1825. Hence jet propulsion (1867) and the noun meaning "airplane driven by jet propulsion" (1944, from jet engine, 1943). The first one to be in service was the German Messerschmitt Me 262. Jet stream is from 1947. Jet set first attested 1951, slightly before jet commuter plane flights began. Jet age is attested from 1952.
jet (v.)
early 15c., "to prance, strut, swagger," from Middle French jeter "to throw, thrust," from Late Latin iectare, abstracted from deiectare, proiectare, etc., in place of Latin iactare "toss about," frequentative of iacere "to throw, cast," from PIE root *ye- "to do" (cognates: Greek iemi, ienai "to send, throw;" Hittite ijami "I make"). Meaning "to sprout or spurt forth" is from 1690s. Related: Jetted; jetting.
jet (n.2)
"deep black lignite," mid-14c., from Anglo-French geet, Old French jaiet "jet, lignite" (12c.), from Latin gagates, from Greek gagates lithos "stone of Gages," town and river in Lycia. As "a deep black color," also as an adjective, attested from mid-15c.


1. As he talked, an airforce jet screamed over the town.


2. Workers at the plant build the F-16 jet fighter.


3. Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.


4. The company laid off 65,000 workers after commercial-jet orders dried up.


5. The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.

